Sunday, October 13, 2013

Calender 2014 Draft version 01

Objectives: come up with a professional for Fred Hollows Foundation based on design guideline and description from Viet's first email

Each page include: main photo and 4 to 6 squares. 

Main photo: represent each of the 12 messages(photo captions) in the last email.

Text captions (messages) will be added in later. This caption will be purposely "hidden" (by placing it somewhere not very prominent) for the audience to discover. The idea behind is to capture attention from the audience by a good photo and when the audience is curious enough, they will find out the message of the photo. 

The squares:
Each square abstractly represent an opportunity to help blind people. There are a photo behind each of the square. The ones in blue showing uncaught opportunities. The squares with photos inside suggesting successful attempts helping people. More squares will be filled with photos in later months of the years' designs (showing working progress).